Lingerdog's World

My blog focusing mostly on my creative writing endeavors, but also with updates on my life and how I am serving God.

ETA: This was actually written around 7:40 Friday night, I'm only just now posting it cause I've been a bit lazy.

It's snowing here, all of about two inches so far, that also equals the number of times I have fallen.

Now don't use my medic alert bracelet, I did get back up, that's how I'm typing this now.

Anyway, the first fall, I saw a kids sled and picked it up, figured I'd give it a go, you know, run dive, slide. It's one of those plastic ones, I don't know if they have different names in other parts of the country, but round here, a sled is a sled is a sled.

Now how many people misread that as salad salad salad?

So I took two half lumbering, slightly jaunty steps towards a slight slope of a hill, but before I could take flight, well I took flight as I watched my feet come up above my face.

I turned in mid air so that instead of landing on my amply padded backside, I could land safe and secure with my keys between my leg and the ground, digging oh so carefully into the fleshy parts of me.

I laughed it off, cause I love snow, it's the greatest thing on the planet, yes even better than those two nice things all the pretty ladies have, you know arms, cause sorry if I offend, I'm just not into amputees, but I really dig a girl with two really nice arms.

But I digress as I all too often do.

Does anyone else use words that they aren't really sure of the meaning of, but they sound like they would fit where you put them, I do that sometimes, so if digress means an egress with a copy of readers digest or something like that, then I've totally screwed up already.

Again back to the story, I've always been bad about chasing rabbits in the middle of stories, no that isn't how I fell the second time, I was just walking along, and boom, up come my feet again, I do the midair triple axel again, really, if this were an Olympic <---(spell check just told me that Olympic was capitalized, I didn't know that, hmmm) sport, I would excel in it.

So down I came once again, not on my overly ample gluteus maximus but onto my keys between my leg and the ground.

I now have two key shaped marks, one in each leg as I switched sides after the first fall because that side was getting irritated by the swishing of the keys in my pocket.

So, is there a moral to this story, why yes it is, it is to say that I love snow, it is my favorite thing in the whole wide world, it's more awesome than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I love how it's so white that it absorbs so much light that it makes the sky look darker when it's falling because your eyes just focus on it.

I love how you can go out at night without a light and be able to see everything because of how it draws in every bit of available light and shines in the night like a giant spotlight on everything.

I also like, that unlike ice, you know, when you fall on ice, it's hard, it doesn't give, it hurts. Snow on the other hand, well, when you fall on snow, it's like falling on marshmallows. It's truly the greatest thing ever, and that's why I love snow.

Not that you were asking or anything, but there you go.

Toodles, Happy Weekend.


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Lingerdog's World

A Blog Dedicated to the ins and outs of my life, with occasional trips into creative writing.

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I love writing and am rediscovering that passion. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and want to tell as many people as I can about him and what he has done for me.