Lingerdog's World

My blog focusing mostly on my creative writing endeavors, but also with updates on my life and how I am serving God.

You know, there aren't many times, in my opinion, that we really take stock and realize how greatly we are loved. We sometimes take it for granted, and then in a time of loss people will come together and we will be reminded of just how loved we are.

But how often does this happen without loss? Sure we feel the love of our children, and our spouse. Sometimes our parents and close friends, but what of extended friends and family.
Tonight was a night to be reminded of the love others have for us. I can only speak for myself but I know without a doubt that I am loved greatly, and not because of a time of loss, but seeing it clearly in a time of great rejoicing and being reminded that we are loved, I am loved.
Tonight at my home church, three other men, men I would count as brothers not just friends, and myself took another step in our spiritual journey. As Mike put it, we stepped through the door God had placed in front of us for this time.
Seeing Mike there with his mother was a blessing to me. Seeing my father there with my mother was a blessing as well. Although I did not ask them, I would be sure that Brad and Tim themselves received blessings tonight.
We have all answered the call to preach, tonight our church recognized that calling in us, Licensing us to preach the Gospel of Christ, standing behind us, encouraging us in our spiritual growth in that direction.
Pastor Matt preached a message about how we are to answer this calling, a message of encouragement in the calling, and a message that reached out with the nail scarred hands of Christ to those that are lost.
At the end we were presented with a Bible and a framed license, the church recognizing the calling placed upon us, and the men of the church came and prayed with us.
After that so many in the church came by to congratulate us and tell us they were proud of us, and encourage us as we go.
Not just those that knew us, but those that had come as guest of the other men. So many telling us they were proud, telling us they loved us, so much encouragement, so much happiness, so much joy, and so much of the Spirit of God in the room.
My cup is running over. I can not explain how much of a blessing tonight was for me. So many friends, and family there saying they are proud of me, standing behind me alongside the church and these other men of God.
Tonight, I know I am loved and I need not soon forget this.
So many other words were spoken, and actions taken tonight to show I am loved that there is not space here for me to do justice to them all.
To Pastor Matt, and Howard, Amber, Lee, Mike, Tim, Brad, to my family and friends, Johnny, David, Will, to my church family, and all the people not named here, I thank you so much for all you did tonight, for the outpouring of love and support and encouragement.
I am so blessed by God.

Lingerdog's World

A Blog Dedicated to the ins and outs of my life, with occasional trips into creative writing.

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I love writing and am rediscovering that passion. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and want to tell as many people as I can about him and what he has done for me.