Lingerdog's World

My blog focusing mostly on my creative writing endeavors, but also with updates on my life and how I am serving God.

I thought about going and doing some grocery shopping tonight, like ten minutes ago. Started figuring my finances in my head, and how likely it would be that I would make myself a snack once I returned with said groceries.

Decided I needed to sleep before church in the morning, and I'll just grab me a biscuit then.

Football season is coming and I'm starting to get amped up for it. high school, college and pro, I'm ready!

I really wish my high school would have went with a new logo for the new school, same mascot, just a new logo. We're the cougars, but on the field is a big block Y and the same on the helmet. IT has annoyed me some of late for some reason, I guess because our new field is so nice, it would have been nice to not have the most antiquated looking emblem of the local teams.

So to note, new school, new stadium, new road, new coach, old logo.

I think I'll make me a shirt for the games, one with the emblem I like on it.

Can't wait til the first game, and I wonder if the food will improve at the new facility. Probably not, probably be the same hot dogs that have been turning on the rack for the last ten years, think I'll get two opening day.

Been watching old football games on the NFL channel on hulu, caught the 1993 NFC championship game between the Redskins and 48ers today, good game, Washington won it.

It's late and I'm a bit sleepy, glad I didn't make that run to the store. I need to work on these daily blogs a little earlier and they might make more sense and have a little more direction.

And hey, if you like the blog, share it with someone, put it on facebook, follow me, send me a note. Whatever you do, thanks for reading, have a good week and see you at church soon. God bless you all.

One more time, yes I did it.
Thinking it all behind
and fully out of mind
but I was mistaken
and found myself again taken
by the sin I've known the longest
the sin that knows me best
how do I escape it?

I've ran for many years.
hiding from my self
trying to find some help
and only in Christ
do I have any hope for life
but my sin follows me around
and grids my soul into the ground
I've shed many tears.

I am too weak
to over come it alone
but at times I start to believe it's finally gone
only to fins it once more
knocking at my door
and I follow
my head weeping like the willow
Release I seek.

I wish I could
just leave it behind
not having to worry that my life would rewind
and see it once again
this ugly, dreadful sin
that torments me all my days
I wish I could change my ways
I really wish I would.

I see you,
sad and sunken
lonely it seems,
I've been there.
You feel,
as though your friends
all abandoned you,
I've been there.
And a hungry night
grinds on
dinner an empty plate,
I've been there.
And no one hears
your cry,
or wipes away your tears,
I've been there.
Raging at the world,
for putting you here,
but wondering who to blame,
I've been there.
You and the computer,
again into the night,
wonder what they're doing,
I've been there.
Wishing for death,
that doesn't come quick,
because it's too busy for you,
I've been there.
Begging for change,
just to get some food,
enough to quiet your stomach,
I've been there.
Abandoned by family,
a miserable existence,
lonely every hour of the day,
I've been there.
No one really cares,
wouldn't miss me
if I left,
I've been there.
of who you are,
what you are,
the life you lead,
the life you've lived,
things you've done,
things you didn't,
betrayals and heartache,
promises and heart break,
and when you add it all up,
you can't remember when you didn't hurt,
I can see it all written on your face,
so sad and sunken,
lonely it seems in the mirror,
I've been here before.

Lingerdog's World

A Blog Dedicated to the ins and outs of my life, with occasional trips into creative writing.

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I love writing and am rediscovering that passion. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and want to tell as many people as I can about him and what he has done for me.